If you’re some perve who happened upon the post with a google search that reads “hot mom pops cherry,” I’m sorry to disappoint you. Unfortunately, I won’t be uncovering the way I was deflowered, today. I will, however, be screaming from the rooftops about the amazing time I had last night as I performed stand-up comedy for the first time. I’m not gonna lie, I was insanely nervous about my first time. 2 nights ago I had a dream I was doing my act to an almost empty theater. The only audience members were my own children, who continued to heckle me and demand I prepare them intricate snacks. It’s a wonder I even showed up, but I’m so glad I did. Last evening was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life.
As a SAHM, it’s very easy to get so wrapped up in the lives of your children, that you lose parts of yourself. I am the first to admit that I’ve let this happen over the years. I didn’t realize I had cut myself out of the equation for a long time, and that’s not really healthy. It’s totally my fault I haven’t made certain times just about me, and now that the kids are getting older, I’m starting to develop a personal identity again.
I don’t ever want to look back on my life and wonder, “What if?” What if I was more courageous? What if I was bold? What if I just tried?
Since I started this blog, I’ve learned so much about myself as a person. I’ve learned that I love to make people laugh. It fulfills me on a level I didn’t know existed, but with writing there is sometimes a small piece missing that I really crave… hearing the actual laughter as it bubbles up in someone’s gut and pours out of their mouth into the world. I’ve been starving for that little auditory gem. And last night didn’t disappoint in that department.
Thanks to all my family, friends, and followers who were in attendanceĀ last night. Your support meant the world to me, your laughter filled my ears and my heart! You guys rock!
Here is my set if you missed live.
Woot. One less thing on the “what if” list.
Photo Credit:
Author: Joe Lodge
Author URL: https://www.flickr.com/people/joe57spike/
2 Thoughts on “My First Time”