I was a Seinfeld fan from the start. Maybe it was the story about nothing. Maybe it was Kramer. Maybe it was the fact that it was so freaking scripted but it wasn’t Who’s the Boss or Cosby Show scripted. I still can’t put my finger on the full reason for my reverence… but “The Summer of George” was my favorite episode. Hands down. Ever.
If you’re familiar with Seinfeld (and this episode) then you remember that George had been fired from his job with The New York Yankees. While he’s wallowing in his sadness he discovers that he has been allotted a severance package that will last for approximately 3 months. And that is when George decides he is going to “really do something with those 3 months.” He’s going to read a book (from beginning to end, in that order). He’s going to learn to play Frolf (Frisbee-golf). This is going to be the time for George to “taste the juices and let them drip down his chin.” Now, being the lazy bastard that he is, George doesn’t really accomplish many of his goals but every time summer rolls around, I’m so fucking jealous of George and the idea of “that” summer.
It is currently the third week of summer camp for my older kids here. I’ve been feeling, a bit, low…. let me take that back, the monotony of it all has made it Groundhog Day around here.
Summer is turning out to be just like Fall, Winter, and Spring. The same. But hotter… It’s like a shitty song on repeat and I’ve already skipped too may songs on Pandora to listen to something new. The incessant loads of laundry and meal planning, the grocery shopping, the drop-offs, the pick-ups… there must be something else I’m supposed to be doing…
And then it hit me.
My older kids are in camp until 3:45 EVERYDAY!! That is almost 2 hours longer then the normal school day for my Middle Monkey and my Hubby isn’t an asshole about my jobs around the house.
It’s almost like I’ve been given a severance package too… but this one is with TIME!
And around here, time is like money.
I’m really going to live.
I’m going to do all the things I don’t normally do!
I declare this… “The Stay-at-Home Mom’s Summer of George”!
Here is my Top 10 list of things to do…
10. Go see the movie Chef, during the day, with my 4 month old baby. {Because no one takes a baby to the movies… but I have to see this}
9. Drive to the Eden “strange fruit” winery (which is over 1 hour away) and buy kiwi wine. {Because no one takes a baby to a winery… but I have to try this}
8. Finally hit up a spinning class. {Even though I’m petrified}
7. Put on a bathing suit and take the baby to a public pool. {Ugh, but it has to be done}
6. Get a pedicure. {Because damn, my feet are toe-up}
5. Travel the 30 minutes to the Norman Love Confections and take the chocolate tour. {Because chocolate}
4. Take the baby to the beach and only pack one bag and an umbrella. {It’s harder than you think}
3. Have lunch or brunch with a friend once a week. {Because friends and food}
2. Read a trilogy. {From beginning to end, in that order}
1. Eat a peach, alone, without any children asking for a bite, and let the juices drip down my chin, just like George.