The school year is almost over…. we can taste it.
It’s like the last mile of a marathon (not that I’ve ever run a marathon but I see the way those people look by the end). Crazy, wide-eyed, desperate. I really thought we were finished with the difficult parts of this school year. We could just cruise through that last mile and let the adrenaline be our guide.
I was so very wrong.
Come to find out, this isn’t a marathon… I would welcome the old-fashioned, user-friendly, 26.2 miles with open arms right now. A course mapped out for me by someone else? Bring it. Tunes and friends and a cheering crowd? Can I get an AMEN?? A marathon would be my homeboy. But alas, this is no marathon.
No, I just discovered this is a Tough Mudder race… and we still have to go through the electrocution cables.
My 9-year-old son brought home ONE LAST project. The mountain I see laid out before me is large, it’s daunting, I’m exhausted, he’s exhausted… but if we can just climb this last peak, just push a little bit more… there, oh yes, there, is glorious summer awaiting us. No homework, no projects, no mundane bullshit.
We can go back to basics.
But first we have to actually do this freaking thing.
So, I guess Boy Wonder had the assignment to write a paper on an explorer. That part, is already done, as he’s been working on it at school. Good job buddy, ’cause if you brought home an assignment for a whole paper too, Mommy might have had a moment similar to The Shining… “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, would have been an understatement.
Ferdinand Magellan is our man. With the written part already complete, now we are left to do the bullshit busy work of creating our own Magellan. What the teacher sent home is pretty much a Flat Stanley. Which would be fine if our Flat Stanley Magellan was about to travel the globe, or even be displayed, but this whole assignment is just ridiculous to me because school is over in 5 days. 5 FREAKING DAYS!!! Where will they display this? What is the purpose? If this had been me in the third grade I probably wouldn’t have even bothered. But it’s not. Boy Wonder wants to complete the task, and do it right. But that won’t stop me from designing the projects I think we should submit.
Here’s what we are working with… yeah, I know. I think this teacher is just about as over this school year as we are.
{I don’t blame you girl… I feel you}
But how about Flat Stanley Magellan as…
Sprockets? Sprockets might be a good one…
[When this is over I will totally do the Sprocket dance]
Or my girl RuPaul… “You Better Wurk!”
{Believe me Ru, this is work}
But this is how I really feel…
{So much so, I. Just. Can’t.}
Alright, alright, my fun is over. Time to get down to business.
Oh Magellan… you are super creepy looking. And I still have to go to the craft store to buy material for you clothes??
I think we should just go with RuPaul and call it a day.