If you’re some perve who happened upon the post with a google search that reads “hot mom pops cherry,” I’m sorry to disappoint you. Unfortunately, I won’t be uncovering the way I was deflowered, today. I will, however, be screaming from the rooftops about the amazing time I had last night as I performed stand-up comedy for the first time. I’m not gonna lie, I was insanely nervous about my first time. 2 nights ago I had a dream I was doing my act to an almost empty theater. The only audience members were my own children, who continued to heckle me and demand I prepare them intricate snacks. It’s a wonder I even showed up, but I’m so glad I did. Last evening was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life.
As a SAHM, it’s very easy to get so wrapped up in the lives of your children, that you lose parts of yourself. I am the first to admit that I’ve let this happen over the years. I didn’t realize I had cut myself out of the equation for a long time, and that’s not really healthy. It’s totally my fault I haven’t made certain times just about me, and now that the kids are getting older, I’m starting to develop a personal identity again.
I don’t ever want to look back on my life and wonder, “What if?” What if I was more courageous? What if I was bold? What if I just tried? Read More →